Dinh Van

Designer jewelry for everyday wear.

Iconoclast in its inspiration, essential in shapes, Dinh Van has carved out its own niche in the codified world of Haute Joaillerie.

242 jewels


dinh van collection

Discover the famous Menottes dinh van collection in pictures.

Icons in series

Success can be a stoke of luck. When it is repeated, luck no plays a part. Detailed review of dinh van collections that have become cult.



"Design is everything! Everything! Good design doesn’t date."
Paul Rand, American graphic designer

Created in 1976, the Menottes collection turned the world of French jewelry on its head. While traditional jewelers strive to make the clasp as discreet as possible, dinh van uses it as the centerpiece of every collection.

This collection's clasps proved particularly difficult to open once worn, thereby inspiring its name after the French word for hand cuffs.

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Le Cube Diamant

Le Cube Diamant

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Léonardo da Vinci

Created in the early 1970,s, Le Cube Diamant plays on volume, contrast between fullness and emptiness, round and square shapes.

Le Cube Diamant collection stands out with geometric contrast, bringing together the circular symbol of spirituality and sky, with the stability of the square of the Earth.

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"Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful."
John Maeda

The Serrure collection consists of a simple bangle that wraps around the wrist like an elegant gold thread, flexible enough to open yet strong enough to keep its original shape.

As an homage to simplicity, this jewel's slightly flattened clasp and the elegant sobriety of its diamond make it a stunning, original piece.

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"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
Albert Einstein

Inspired by today's tempo, the Pulse dinh van collection illustrates the effervescence of women's everyday life.
Bringing rhythm and luminosity, the diamonds stand out like the notes of a musical score.

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